Generating these example files on your computer

Generating example files locally

You can generate the example files using the generate_examples function. Instructions for using the generate_examples are given below.

In the following code snippets, output_directory is the directory where you want to save the generated example files. output_directory should NOT be an existing directory. If output_directory already exists, you should delete it before running the generate_examples function.

Generating scripts (.jl files)

To generate the examples as Julia scripts (.jl files), use the following code.

PredictMD.generate_examples(output_directory; scripts = true)

Generating IJulia/Jupyter notebooks (.ipynb files)

To generate the examples as IJulia/Jupyter notebooks (.ipynb files), use the following code. output_directory is the directory where you want to save the generated example files. output_directory should NOT be an existing directory. If output_directory already exists, you should delete it before running the generate_examples function.

PredictMD.generate_examples(output_directory; notebooks = true)