Docker image

Docker image

You can use the PredictMD Docker image for easy installation of PredictMD and all of its dependencies. Download and start the container by running the following line:

docker run --name predictmd -it dilumaluthge/predictmd /bin/bash

Once you are inside the container, you can start Julia by running the following line:


In Julia, run the following line to load PredictMD:

import PredictMDFull

You can run the test suite by running the following four lines in Julia:

import Pkg

After you have exited the container, you can return to it by running the following line:

docker start -ai predictmd

To delete your container, run the following line:

docker container rm -f predictmd

To also delete the downloaded image, run the following line:

docker image rm -f dilumaluthge/predictmd