PredictMD is a free and open-source Julia package that provides a uniform interface for machine learning.
To install PredictMD, simply open Julia and run the following five lines:
- import Pkg
- Pkg.activate("PredictMDEnvironment"; shared = true)
- Pkg.Registry.add("General")
- Pkg.add(["PredictMD", "PredictMDExtra", "PredictMDFull"])
- import PredictMD, PredictMDExtra, PredictMDFull
And then, whenever you want to use PredictMD, simply open Julia and run the following three lines:
- import Pkg
- Pkg.activate("PredictMDEnvironment"; shared = true)
- import PredictMD, PredictMDExtra, PredictMDFull
If you use PredictMD in research, please cite the software using the following DOI:
Docker image:
Alternatively, you can use the PredictMD Docker image for easy installation:
- docker pull dilumaluthge/predictmd
- docker run --name my_predictmd_container -it dilumaluthge/predictmd /bin/bash
- julia
- import PredictMD, PredictMDExtra, PredictMDFull
If you exit the container, you can reopen it by running the following line:
docker start -ai my_predictmd_container